The Cross: Paradox and Revelation

By: Scott Armstrong *The following is an excerpt from a recording of the radio ministry Showers of Blessing. These words from Jarrette Aycock were aired on that show in 1945 and come from his sermon, “The Triumph of the Cross.” Freed from alcohol addiction, Aycock served as an evangelist for 30 years. He also was... Continue Reading →

The Proclamation of a King

By: Rev. Emily Armstrong Lent culminates with Holy Week when we contemplate the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. In the coming days, we will focus on the main events that happened in the life of Jesus. Jesus has spent some years ministering on earth. The Bible records his miracles and his relationships with both... Continue Reading →

Lent: Preparation for Easter

By: Rob L. Staples In the past, some evangelical churches spurned any observation of Lent, associating it with "high church" liturgical worship. But today many of those same churches, including numerous Nazarene churches, are rediscovering certain aspects of the historic Christian tradition as a means of refocusing on spirituality in a world that is increasingly... Continue Reading →

Why Lent?

By: Dr. Eddie Estep February 17, 2021, was Ash Wednesday, the first day of the season called Lent.  Ash Wednesday gets its name from the custom, in some Christian denominations, of placing ashes on the forehead as a sign of penitence. The ashes are obtained by burning the palm branches from the previous year’s Palm... Continue Reading →

Easter: Full of Life

It is a little paradoxical to write about Easter in the middle of Lent, but every year we pastors prepare our Easter sermons during the heart of the sacrifice and fasting that Lent brings, so the practice makes sense. In many of our countries, Easter is the day people return to the normalcy of work... Continue Reading →

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